Wednesday 8 August 2018

Computer Application (The Important of Privacy, Security, Legal and Green Computing Awareness for Society)

Why is Privacy Important?

There are two general reasons why privacy is important.

The first is that privacy helps individuals maintain their autonomy and individuality. People define themselves by exercising power over information about themselves and a free country does not people to answer for the choices they make about what information is shared and what is held close. At the same time, this does not mean that public policy should shield people form the costs of their choices. American privacy allows our many cultures and subcultures to define for themselves how personal information moves in the economy and society.

A second reason that privacy is important is because of its functional benefits. This area has been especially slippery for policy makers because they have often use the term "privacy" to refer to one or more of privacy's benefits.

Security services are very much important now days, when the terrorism and corruption have been explored in many countries. Security is the prime requirement for each country. Generally the government of concern country is responsible to provide security to common people of the country and they do. But many a times, it is not possible by Government to catch up all the events and person to provide the safety services to all individuals, group of the people, building or society. The role of private security company is very much important affecting to the one's life, so it must be trustworthy while selecting the agency to secure you.

It has become very much difficult for celebrities and executive people to move easily among the public, as they are the know and famous public figure and having unknown risk of life more. Thus sometimes Government providing the security to some of these people at their end and many a times the celebrities, they need to hire security their own for their safety and operation.

Security Agencies majorly run by retired army officers, police-man or the personnel that moved from the Government security services. As they are having the practice and the background from which they are more familiar and love to protect the people and server the society. Previously the security agencies were providing a mono type security services but from couple of decades, it has been revolutionary change in services took place due to increased risk of human crimes, threats and mishandling. To make life shot dead has become so easy and cheap, where the numbers of criminal have been increased significantly. Thus security services also must be equipped with more advanced instruments, arms and technology to prevent the intentional accidents by the criminals.

The law is important for a society for it serves as a norm of conduct for citizens. It was also made to provide for proper guidelines and order upon the behavior for all citizens and to sustain the equity on the three branches of the government. It keeps the society running. Without law there would be chaos and it would be survival of the fittest and every man for himself. Not an ideal lifestyle for most part.

The law is important because it acts as a guidelines as to what is accepted in society. Without it there would be conflicts between social groups and communities. it is pivotal that we follow them. The law allows for easy adoption to changes that occur in the society.

Society is a "web relationship" and social change obviously means a change in the system of social relationship where a social relationship is understood in terms of social processes and social interactions and social organizations. Thus, the term, 'social change' is used to indicate desirable variations in social institution, social processes and social organization. It includes alterations in the structure and functions of the society. Closer analysis of the role of law vis-a-vis social change leads us to distinguish between the direct and the indirect aspects of the role of law.

1. Law plays an important indirect role in regard to social change by shaping a direct impact on society. For example: A law setting up a compulsory educational system.

2. On the other hand, interacts in many cases indirectly with basic social institutions in a manner constituting a direct relationship between law and social change. For example, a law designed to prohibit polygamy.

Law plays an agent of modernization and social change. It is also an indicator of the nature of societal complexity and its attendant problems of integration. Further, the reinforcement of our belief in the age-old panchayat system, the abolition of the abhorable practices of untouchability, child marriage, sati, dowry etc are typical illustrations of social change being brought about in the country trough laws.

Law is an effective medium or agency, instrumental in bringing about social change in the country or in any region in particular. Therefore, we rejuvenate our belief that law has been pivotal in introducing changes in the societal structure and relationships and continues to be so.

Law certainly has acted as a catalyst in the process of social transformation of people wherein the dilution of caste inequalities, protective measures for the weak and vulnerable sections, providing for the dignified existence of those living under unwholesome conditions etc are the illustrious examples in this regard. Social change involves an alteration of society; its economic structure, values and beliefs and its economic, political and social dimensions also undergo modification. However, social change does not affect all aspects of society in the same manner.

While much of social change is brought about by material changes such as technology, new patterns of production, etc, other conditions are also necessary. For example, as we have discussed it before, legal prohibition of untouchability in free India has not succeeded because of inadequate social support.

Nonetheless, when law cannot bring about change without social support, it still can create certain preconditions for social change. Moreover, after independence, the Constitution of India provided far-reaching guidelines for change. Its directive principle suggested a blueprint for a new nation. The de-recognition of the caste system, equality before the law and equal opportunities for all in economic, political and social spheres were some of the high points of the Indian Constitution.

Important of Green Computing

Why Should We Have the Idea of Green Computing?

When the news claimed that the environment was not a renewable resource, it really hit home and people started realizing that they had to do their part to protect the environment. Therefore, green computing is an important idea to keep our environment clean and safe. When it gets involved in recycling computer, it is difficult to dispose the old computers and some more that they take up much space in landfills. Somehow, the problem is that the electronic waste is increasing tremendously within this decade. Many negative effects are gradually showed up towards this environment, especially to human. Due to the quick obsolescence of electronics, it resulted a dreadful 70% of all hazardous waste. Computer waste is high in many toxic materials such as heavy metals and flame-retardant plastics, which easily leach into ground water and bio-accumulated. In addition, to manufacture chips of the electronic requires huge amounts of resources and some deadliest gases and chemicals are used to man.

In an average year, 24 million computers have become obsolete in United States. Only about 14% (3.3 million) of these will be recycle or donated. Over 20 million computers, the rest in U.S. will be get off, destroyed or shipped as waste products or to be dealt with later in the temporary storage. We do not care about what happens when our laptop dies and just stop to consider it. The reality is that it either decomposed in a landfill or developing countries. The children there wresting its components apart by hand and melting toxic bits to discover traces or valuable metals like gold.

Moreover, E-waste trade chain is created in developing nations for the imported obsolete electronics. They employ several workers, collectors, segregates, middleman, scrap dealers and recycles to take components apart, reuse the functional components, burning or acid dipping and other unprofessional techniques to recycle the non-functional components. After burning and other wastes are disposed, the spent acids and other chemicals, solid wastes eventually end up in rivers.

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